This unique Yoga Teacher Training Course gives you the opportunity to deepen your yoga practice, achieve big personal changes and to become a knowledgeable & certified yoga teacher. Teaching yoga is a fulfilling and responsible task. It requires a strong yoga practice & precise knowledge of teaching methodology. You will develop these during the training. We proudly offer this training for the 14th time!


WarriorYoga develops the whole personality. You will notice this in increasing health and vitality, and success and fulfillment in professional and family relationships. With regular practice the connection between you and your environment will grow. You will discover your hidden talents and can gradually begin expanding them. Yoga leads to awareness, higher levels of consciousness and develops your connection with your true Self. Through your personal practice you will generate life energy (prana) which will give you the charisma needed to inspire people. By integrating your yoga knowledge in daily life you will become a strong and rooted teacher.

We, Yoga Vidya Rotterdam represent a pragmatic, non-dogmatic and spiritual yoga. During the training you will work with diverse techniques and thereby discover what is best for you. You retain the freedom to integrate elements of other yoga or exercise systems into your practice. After all, yoga helps you to experience life in its fullness and completeness.

The Yoga Teacher Training Course consists of intensive practice of Hatha yoga (postures, breath, relaxation, cleansing, anatomy, teaching methods, diet & Ayurveda), Kundalini yoga (energetic practices, astral body, chakras), Raja yoga (meditation & concentration practices, yogic values), Bhakti yoga (Mantra’s and rituals), Jnana yoga (inquiry, study of scriptures) and Karma yoga (yoga in daily life activity).

Traditional Yoga with a modern touch.

We use century old & effective techniques from the holistic yoga, based on the teachings of Swami Sivananda. Supplemented with scientific knowledge from physics, medicine and psychology, the system of classical yoga is relevant for the 21st century.

Training overview

The first year is a systematic training of all aspects of your personality and creates a solid foundation for your own practice and teaching. The second year includes the deepening of your own practice and the study of classical yoga scriptures (Bhagavad Gita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Yoga Sutras). Human anatomy, physiology, and kinematics are also covered. You learn the basics of teaching yoga with emphasis on: Beginners, intermediate, advanced, yoga for the back, yoga for pregnancy, yoga for children, yoga for seniors. Through teaching each other in small groups with professional supervision you will collect valuable teaching experiences.

This training is very comprehensive and therefor gives you a very good basis to become an authentic yoga practitioner and yoga teacher.

At the end of the Teacher Training Course there will be an exam weekend in Germany.

Yoga every week!

The weekly meeting includes: asanas, pranayama, deep relaxation (Savasana),
meditation, mental techniques, mantra singing, lecture, discussion and a light vegan/vegetarian meal. The continuity of weekly meetings enable a systematic training and individual coaching. Each week, new exercises are recommended and tasks for daily life are given. In this way you are able and encouraged to put what you have learned into practice right away.

Dates weekly classes & intensives

Additional to the weekly meetings there are five intensive weekends in Rotterdam and two intensive weeks at the seminar house Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg (Germany) within the 2 year program. These are designed to deepen and intensify your practice. Without the distractions of your everyday life you will experience a depth which brings your practice to a new level. The spiritual atmosphere and tranquility of the powerful retreat centre in Germany will support deep experiences during meditation.

Weekly class in Rotterdam
Every Wednesday morning: 09.00-12.30
(except during the summer/ winterbreak & public holidays)
Start Wednesday 5 February 2025


Dates of the intensives:

Intensive week in Bad Meinberg (Germany)
1st year: 28 Sep  – 5 Oct 2025 (from Sunday to Sunday)
2nd year: 4  – 11 October 2026 (from Sunday to Sunday)

Intensive weekends in Rotterdam
1st year: 5&6 April 2025 | 5&6 July 2025 | 22&23 Nov 2025 (all weekends include Saturday & Sunday)
The second year has two weekends, one in March/April & one in October/November. These dates will be announced during the first year of the training.

Summer break
28 July till 24 Augus­t 2025
27 July till 23 August 2026

Winter break
22 December 2025 till 11 January 2026

The training classes on Wednesday end half December 2026.

Exam weekend in Bad Meinberg (Germany)
15-17 January 2027 (from Friday to Sunday)

Recognition & Examination

Yoga Vidya is Europe’s leading education institute for yoga teachers. We are recognized by & registered at the international organization Yoga Alliance. Vidya e. V. is recognized and registered as training institute by the international organization Yoga Alliance. This 2-year yoga teacher training is recognized by the Yoga Alliance with 500 hours. Once registered with the Yoga Alliance you may use the title RYT 500. It is also possible to register at the Nederlandse Yoga Vereniging.


Requirement for admission to the exam is participation in the Yoga Vidya Teacher Training Course. The exam consists of at least four times teaching, a written exam and, if needed, an oral exam. The Exam will be held at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg (D) during a weekend at the end of the training.

Exemption policy

With the completion of the 200 hour Yoga Vidya  teacher training (4 weeks intensive) you may start in the 2nd year of the 2-year teacher training. With the completion of the 200 hour training at the Sivananda organization (4 week intensive) and after an approved demonstration lessons, you may start in the 2nd year of the 2-year Yoga teacher training. Other courses or classes do not count on this Yoga teacher training program


Tuition Fee weekly training classes & Intensive weekends in Rotterdam:Tree pose

€ 5.424

€5.012 (save €412) with sign up till 31st of December 2024

The Rotterdam fee includes:

  • All Yoga Teacher Training course lessons in Rotterdam during the 2 year training.
  • Personal (or video call) intake conversation with the main training teacher
  • FREE BONUS: A monthly subscription that gives access to one additional weekly yoga class of Yoga Vidya’s daily yoga schedule during the 2 year training period.

Payment in 24 installments is possible on request. An administration fee will be charged.

Fee Intensive weeks & Examination in Bad Meinberg:

  • € 1.632 (dormitory or tent)
  • € 1.872 (4-bedroom)
  • € 2.256 (2-bedroom)
  • € 2.616 (single room)

The dormitory counts 6-12 beds. The single room has its own bathroom.
Payment in 24 installments is possible on request.

The Bad Meinberg fee includes:

  • Two intensive weeks of 7 days (one in the 1st year, one in the 2nd year)
  • One exam weekend.
  • All courses & classes during the intensive weeks and exam weekend.
  • Accommodation in the chosen room category.
  • Two daily organic, vegetarian/vegan meals during the intensive weeks and exam weekend.
  • Practical and theoretical exam.
  • Certificate when succesfully completed the training.
  • Yoga Teacher Manual, Kirtan book and Yoga Vidya carry bag.
  • 20% dis­count on all sem­i­nars at the Yoga Vidya seminar houses in Germany dur­ing the 2-year course period.

Additional costs:

  • During the training you will have to purchase 4-5 study books and a Yoga mat & neti pot/string for your own practice.
  • Travel expenses to Bad Meinberg Germany.

Conditions & Requirements

  • SavasanaBasic knowl­edge of asana and yoga phi­los­o­phy are nec­es­sary to have an idea what to expect in this train­ing.
  • Reg­u­lar par­tic­i­pa­tion in the train­ing lessons and the desire to develop your­ self are assumed.
  • Every day you will have to set aside approx­i­mately 30–90 min­utes for your per­sonal prac­tice.
  • Dur­ing the sec­ond year we ask you to abstain from using drugs, alco­hol, tobacco, meat and fish (because of advanced pranayama practice and practicing yogic ethics).
  • The train­ing will be given entirely in Eng­lish and the lit­er­a­ture is mostly Eng­lish too. It is there­fore nec­es­sary that you are famil­iar with the Eng­lish language.
  • Pre­req­ui­site for admis­sion to the exam is a pres­ence of at least 78 (of 87) of the weekly classes and full attendance of the 6 intensive weekends and the 2 intensive weeks.
  • Missed classes and week­ends can be replaced by following suitable workshops/seminars at Yoga Vidya Rot­ter­dam or at the Yoga Vidya seminar houses (Ger­many). This involves expenses.
  • If the program has to be aborted for any reason, the remaining training fee has to be paid. Completion of the course in a future Teacher Training group is possible.

Please download our full terms and conditions. The document also contains information on costs and payments as well as our Privacy policy:

Terms – Costs – Privacy – TTC 2025-2026

Complaints regulation

Dissatisfaction can always occur and should first be discussed with those directly involved. If there is a complaint, we would like to come out stronger together. Find the entire procedure in our complaints regulation:

Complaints regulation

Study guide 2025 – 2026


Main Teacher

Rama Shakti

Janine Brall (Rama Shakti) – Senior Teacher of the Yoga Teacher Training will guide you through this in-depth training, She is the founder of Yoga Vidya Rotterdam, 47 old and mother of 3 kids. She has more than 16 years experience as a Trainer, Yoga teacher & coach, leading students to a more conscious and fulfilled life. She is also a Reiki Master, Yoga therapist & Ayurvedic massage therapist. Rama Shakti practiced yoga intensively for more than 20 years and is constantly learning and training herself by visiting courses and (spiritual) teachers. She fully lives Yoga and has adapted a yogic lifestyle. She just finished a family- & organisation constellation education which gave more depth to her own healing and a new tool to contribute to the healing of others.
She is looking forward to guiding you on your yoga path with an in-depth and down to earth approach.

Complementary teachers

  • Experienced yoga teacher of the yoga Vidya team will also guide Asana classes and lectures.
  • Guest teachers will occasionally enrich the Yoga Teacher Training with their specific knowledge.
  • The intensive week in Germany will be guided by experienced Teachers from the Seminar house (Yoga Vidya Ashram).

Class material

You will receive a comprehensive yoga teacher manual and asana charts. The following books must be purchased:

1st year


  • ‘The Bhagavad Gita’ by Swami Sivananda (free download)
  • ‘Das Yoga Vidya Asana-Buch’ by Sukadev Bretz or ‘YOGA – your home practice companion’  by Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre


  • ‘The Complete Illustrated book of Yoga’ by Swami Vishnu Devananda
  • ‘Meditation and Mantras’ by Swami Vishnu Devananda

2nd year


  • ‘The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali’ by Sri Swami Satchidananda


  • ‘The Hatha Yoga Pradipika’ by Yogi Hari
  • Anatomy Atlas of choice


We educated more than 275 Yoga Teachers in 14 Years in Rotterdam.Yoga Twist
Our happy students opened Yoga schools around the country, teach Yoga in diverse places or just practice happily for themselves.
Here are some of the beautiful testimonials we received from our students.

Ivonne van Zuilen

After practicing yoga for many years, I was looking for more depth in my yoga practice. The Yoga Teacher Training is offering me this and much more! Great friends, unexpected cooking skills, more inner calmness, fearless headstands… With her humor and strong leadership Rama Shakti makes every gathering a new adventure! Step over your doubt and give yourself this great present.

Raluca Croitoru

The Yoga Teacher Training has brought a lot of wonderful changes in my life: I feel more grounded and centred and my anxiety reduced to a minimum. I am much more aware of my mental patterns, my emotions and my behavior. I feel stronger, more open and more flexible on a physical, mental and emotional level. Rama Shakti is a true and committed spiritual teacher and a loving, attentive and joyous person. I am deeply grateful to be guided by her in this journey towards inner growth. I thank myself constantly for this commitment, as I wholeheartedly feel it is the most loving gift I could have given myself.

Annabel BolYoga

With the Yoga Teacher Training, a whole colorful world of yoga opened up to me, offering different ways to get to know myself and my position in this world. I´ve found a certain trust and strength that helps me enjoy more and worry less in my daily life. Besides that, the asanas simply make me feel amazing! I am grateful Rama Shakti is there to accompany us on this path, who´s experience inspires me and non-judgemental attitude allows me to grow.

Evelien Heuberger-Slot (Surya Devi)

For me it is almost impossible to describe how I feel about the 2-year Yoga Teacher Training. I always loved to attend different types of yoga classes but this course has given my life such a major transformation, more than I could have imagined and it is still ongoing. Both on the physical, mental and energetical level. The teachings of Rama Shakti (and other teachers of Yoga Vidya) push me to grow, but make me feel connected and grounded at the same time. I am very confident that this is one of the best Yoga Teacher Training courses out there. And how lucky am I to find it in my home town!

Melinda Eva Ferenci (Siva Jyoti)

Every Teacher Training evening was the best evening of my life and I will forever cherish this time! The best thing I learned is that with discipline and hard work I can reach my dream and goals, and If I can put down my ego, I can be a better person! It was a lot of discipline, but i realized it was not that hard, as I did what I love, and I did fall in love with Yoga even more then I though I will!

More Information & Sign up

Please email Rama Shakti at or call 06 25 100 420 for more information or if you want to discuss your personal situation.

You are also welcome to visit our centre for yoga classes at any time. Or sign up for one of our free information evenings on:
Sunday 17th of November, 19.30-21.00
Sunday 8th of December, 19.30-21.00
Sunday 19th of January, 19.30-21.00


Sign up

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Click the sign up button below and you will be guided through the sign up procedure for the Yoga Teacher Training.

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