I never planned to be a yoga teacher until I became one and found out that I loved it.
Yoga is has been part of my life for a long time. The first time I saw someone practicing yoga I was 9 years old. That person was my grandmother who, after having lived in an Ashram for 6 months India, came back and started to practice yoga every morning. She taught me my first asanas.
I’m from Sao Paulo, Brazil and while living there yoga was one of the things I did to balance my busy life as a journalist. At the time I could never have imagined that one day I would become a yoga teacher. It wasn’t until I came to Holland and saw my life in a totally different perspective, that I felt the need to dive deeper into this path.
After becoming a dedicated practitioner of Iyengar with Charles Hond in Rotterdam, I decided to learn more about yoga. In 2008 I did a Ashtanga PowerYoga Teacher Training with Tonnie Goes in Monfoort. That’s when I started to do a transition from being a practitioner to becoming a yoga teacher. In 2009, with my diploma in hands, I started to teach classes.
Even after finishing my first Teacher Training I could never stop studying and updating myself .
Next to my other certificates, ‘Easy Flow Yoga’, ‘The Art of Alignment’ and ‘Yin Yoga’ I did workshops with many internationally well-known teachers like; David Williams, Kino Mac Gregor, Max Strom, Clayton Horton, David Lurey, Govinda Kai, Simon Park, Shiva Rea, and also with great dutch teachers: Jose de Groot, Marlene Henny, Anoshe Overington and Nanda Peek.
After almost 2 years, I’ll be finishing an Advanced 350hr Teacher Training in 2015, with Katiza and Sahaj at Delight Yoga.
I teach because I love to share and Yoga opened my eyes in so many ways that I didn’t want to miss the chance to share it with others.
I am on my mat every day and I do it with passion and inspiration.
And when I stand in front of my students, I always have the same feeling: That it’s blissful!
I welcome you to my classes to experience that bliss within you.
Namasté! _/\_